Thank You Thursday – Savor the Seconds

“Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back.” ~ Harvey MacKay

I am my mother’s child.

My father’s, too.

But my trip home this past Thanksgiving has revealed to me more than ever that the older I get, the more I become like that vanilla waffered colored woman.

Back in the day, this realization would have sent me gunning for the hills, but now that Juanita Joann been my mom for forty years, I recognize that our similarities are a blessing.

Time’s funny that way, ain’t it?

When I was home, my 8-year-old niece Amari asked me — at the Thanksgiving dinner table, no less — how many more days there were until Christmas.

I laughed as a I counted in my head, recalling how I used to feel just like her. When I was a kid, time crawled at a snail’s pace, but now that I’m all grown up,  time – like Jean Luc Picard‘s  Starship Enterprise – is on warp speed. LOL!

If could stop the sand in the hour-glass, I would. Trust. But as it turns out, I’m no time traveler ala Sam Beckett from Quantum Leap. Hence, the only way I can control any given moment of my life is to savor every second of it.

So, today I want to say thank you for time.

The good. The bad. The funny. The sad. The right on! The what the hell? The glad I could help. The somebody help me, please.

All of it.

Because the truth is, our days above ground – as the recent deaths of comedian Patrice O’Neal, 41, and Heavy D, 44,  both prove – are numbered.

The only currency we really have, Fam, is our time. So, spend it wisely.

Savor the seconds.

Fam, what’s your savor the seconds testimony? 


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